Commission delivers on its commitment to strengthen the defence and security of European citizens

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 7 juni 2017.

The news:

The Commission will publish a reflection paper to open a public debate and discuss different visions for Europe's defence and security up to 2025. The reflection paper will be complemented by a proposal to launch a comprehensive and ambitious European Defence Fund to support better and more efficient defence spending by Member States. With this, the Commission is delivering on its commitment to strengthen the defence and security of European citizens, which has been at the heart of the Juncker Commission i's priorities.

The background:

Security and defence are one of the top issues for European citizens. This is why President Juncker has also made these a key political priority of this Commission from the start of the mandate. Following up on this commitment, he first announced the creation of a European Defence Fund in his 2016 State of the Union address. Moveover, the reflection paper on the future of European defence forms part of the broader discussion on the future of Europe launched with the Commission's White Paper on the Future of Europe on 1 March 2017.

The event:

All elements of this defence package will be presented at a press conference following the College meeting on 7 June in the Berlaymont press room.

President Juncker, along with High representative/ Vice-President Mogherini, Vice-President Katainen and Commissioner Bieńkowska will also deliver key speeches to kick-start the debate on the defence reflection paper at the High Level European Defence event in Prague on 9 June.

The sources:

The press conference will be webstreamed on EbS



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