Palo: digitalisation supports smarter and more extensive use of space data

Met dank overgenomen van Ests voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2017 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 30 mei 2017.

On Tuesday in Brussels at the European Union Ministerial Competitiveness Council, Minister for Entrepreneurship and Information Technology Urve Palo, said that during the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU, we will emphasise creating smarter jobs and investments by using space data and the possibilities of digital technologies.

According to the Minister, digitisation would translate into innovative companies having increased access to space data.

"This will create opportunities for businesses to develop new products and services, using the possibilities offered by the EU implemented space programmes and the space data made available by them both in the remote monitoring and satellite navigation industries," said Palo.

The Minister noted that space policy has a broader objective to increase the European Union's employment rates, investments, economic growth and overall global competitiveness.

"We focus on the European space sector, particularly the most successful space program Copernicus and support discussions influencing the future prospects of it," said Palo. "In accordance with the digital agenda of the Estonian presidency, we also emphasise smarter implementation of digital technologies in the space sector in general."

Palo introduced the Estonian Presidency's priorities and activities in the field of space, calling on the member states to participate in the European Space Week, taking place in Tallinn this November. "Via the Space Week, Estonia has an exceptional opportunity to present to Europe our e-state success story as well as the capabilities of our countries businesses to create smarter and more competitive products and services with the help of space data.

The EU Competitiveness Council works to strengthen competitiveness and economic growth in the EU. The Competitiveness Council deals with four major policy areas: internal market, industry, research and innovation and space.