Statement by Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides on the cholera outbreak in Yemen

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 24 mei 2017.

As Yemen is facing a fast spreading Cholera outbreak of unprecedented scale the EU is increasing its response with further funding to help those in need.

This is the second outbreak in less than a year to hit the war-ravaged country already facing one of the largest humanitarian crises. The international community must not overlook the crisis in the country.

To help, the EU has now made available €3.8 million to deal with the outbreak. This assistance will allow our humanitarian partners to rapidly increase their capacity to treat people and save lives. This is part of our overall funding of €116.7 million for Yemen in 2017.

What matters at this crucial time is for all parties to allow full access to humanitarian organisations to deliver aid and carry out their relief efforts. Delays and restrictions, as well as an escalation of fighting would further threaten the lives of civilian population.

It's essential that basic commodities, including much needed medical supplies but also food, enter the country at the earliest possible time.

The European Union remains fully committed to helping the most vulnerable in need in Yemen.



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