Media advisory on EU-US Leaders' meeting, 25 May 2017

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 19 mei 2017.

Media programme

+/- 10.00 Arrival of President of the United States Donald Trump

Official welcome at the car

(Europa VIP entrance outside, level 0 - photo/TV opportunity - pool A)

Official handshake

(Europa Forum, level 0 - photo/TV opportunity - pool B)

Meeting with President of the United States Donald Trump, President of the European Council Donald Tusk i and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker i

Enlarged meeting including European Parliament President Antonio Tajani i and High Representative Federica Mogherini i

+/- 11.00 Departure

(Europa VIP entrance, level 0 - photo/TV opportunity - same pool A)

Photographers and cameramen wishing to join one of the pools must express their interest by sending a request by email before Tuesday 22 May 2017, 17.00 to

Pool A & B are incompatible. For security reasons the pool meeting point will be 60 minutes before the event at the Justus Lipsius press centre. No late comers will be accepted. The Council press office is responsible for the composition of the pool.

Access & accreditation

Access to the Council premises is only possible with the specific event badge or 6 month badge (see accreditation information).

Due to security measures, media wishing to access the premises are strongly advised to arrive well in advance. Media access will only be possible through the Justus Lipsius building.

Host broadcaster coverage

Photos and video coverage of the event will be available for preview and download on

Live streaming will be available on