Audiovisual media: clear rules to protect children

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 18 mei 2017.

Parliament has given the Culture committee a mandate to begin talks with the Council on a new directive on audiovisual media, which will include online platforms.

  • New directive includes online platforms
  • Protection of children against violence and hatred
  • 30% quota on European productions

The mandate consists of the amendments the Culture Committee voted on earlier and which strengthen the protection of children against violence and hatred on TV and online platforms, whilst also proposing new rules on advertising and a 30% quota of European works on the VOD platforms.

Video sharing platforms will now have a duty to take appropriate action when users flag up any content inciting violence or hatred. They will also have to make it easy for users to do so.

MEPs also defined new rules for advertising, with a maximum quota of 20% per day and stricter rules for advertising, product placement, sponsorship and teleshopping in children’s programmes. Broadcasters and video sharing platforms have the opportunity to self- and co-regulate, before Member State authorities decide whether to impose specific rules

The promotion of European audiovisual works is a priority for the Parliament. VOD platforms will need to offer at least 30% in European productions, with the aim to reflect and promote European diversity.

The mandate was approved by 314 votes to 266 with 41 abstentions.



REF.: 20170511IPR74351

Gecreëerd: 18-05-2017 - 12:35


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