The two-state solution is the only way to peace in the Middle East, say MEPs

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 18 mei 2017.

The construction and expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank must stop to allow prospects for a viable two-state solution, urge MEPs.

  • Two-state solution as only way to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
  • Building new Israeli settlements in the West Bank must end at once
  • European Union peace initiative needed to resolve the conflict

The "two-state solution on the basis of the 1967 borders, with Jerusalem as the capital of both states" is the only way to achieve lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians, say MEPs in a resolution adopted on Thursday.

The building of Israeli settlements must stop immediately and completely as they are "illegal under international law, undermine the two-state solution, and constitute a major obstacle to peace efforts", they add in the text wrapping up a debate held in November with EU i foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini i.

A European Union peace initiative aiming to achieve concrete results within a set period and focusing on the two-state solution must be launched to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, MEPs add. They condemn all acts of violence and terrorism attacking or endangering civilians, as well as all acts of provocation and incitement.

#WestBank #Palestine #Israel

REF. : 20170509IPR73944

Updated: ( 18-05-2017 - 13:04)