The President of the European Parliament to speak at Tallinn University in late May

Met dank overgenomen van Ests voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2017 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 16 mei 2017.

The President of the European Parliament i, Antonio Tajani i, and heads of the political groups of the EP will visit Estonia in late May in connection with the forthcoming Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU i.

On 30 May, the delegation will visit Tallinn University where they will hold the debate ‘Future of Europe: Changing Times, Lasting Values’. The debate will feature the leaders of the European Parliament Groups, and students from various Universities in Estonia.

The discussion will cover four topics. The first topic is ´Future of Europe: How to re-launch the EU´: as Britain prepares to exit, the European Union needs to focus on a new future and tackle big challenges that matter most to its citizens. The discussion will look at whether and how can Europe ensure a fair share of the benefits for all.

The second topic, ´Youth employment: The power of innovation´, looks at youth and their journey from education, to the job market, and their first jobs.

The third discussion ´European defence: A guardian of peace´ will discuss the role of the US and Russia, with their respective interests and agendas.

The fourth discussion ´Security: Protecting citizens in turbulent times´ will focus on the challenges currently facing the EU: protecting the safety of its citizens while preserving an open society.

The discussion will be held in English. After the debate, refreshments will be served.

Anyone interested in the future of Europe is welcome to join. Registration is open until 18 May. An ID-card must be presented at the entrance.

The discussion will be moderated by the European Parliament President Antonio Tajani and the lecturer of international relations at Tallinn University Catlyn Kirna.

More information is available on the website of Tallinn University and the event’s Facebook page.