Maasikas: digital single market a modern necessity, basis for economic growth

Met dank overgenomen van Ests voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2017 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 16 mei 2017.

Today’s General Affairs Council in Brussels focused mainly on preparations for the June European Council. The European Council i, held shortly before the beginning of the Estonian Presidency i of the Council of the European Union, will focus on migration and security, as well as issues related to employment and economic growth.

Talking about migration, the Council discussed the management of different migration routes and the reform of the Common European Asylum System, including implementing the principles of responsibility and solidarity in the future.

With relation to employment, economic growth and competitiveness, the Council discussed steps taken to strengthen the single market and issues that require more attention in the future. According to the Estonian Deputy Minister for EU Affairs Matti Maasikas, it is necessary to move forward with the draft legislative act on the digital single market and free movement of data. “In the light of recent events, cyber security has become increasingly important, therefore we expect the Commission to outline the renewed cyber security strategy soon. Estonia is ready to move forward with it during our presidency,” Maasikas said.

The Council also exchanged views on the White Paper on the future of the EU, published in March, where the Commission i presents five different visions for the EU. Europe is ageing and its population declining. The Commission has prepared and is preparing another five thematic analyses so that Member States can have open and in-depth discussions about the future and what it holds. The Deputy Minister affirmed that discussions on the future of the EU i will certainly be central to the Estonian Presidency as well.

The Member States i also exchanged views on developments after adopting the guidelines of the March European Council and the rule of law. The Commisson gave an overview of the dialogue on the rule of law that will be continued with Poland.