Under Secretary of Turkish Foreign Ministry becomes Estonian e-Resident

Met dank overgenomen van Ests voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2017 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 9 mei 2017.

The Secretary General of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Rainer Saks affirmed at today’s political consultations between Estonia and Turkey that it is important for Estonia to continue political and economic dialogue with Turkey and supports Turkey on its road to EU accession.

“Turkey is an important NATO ally and partner of the EU. Therefore it is important to maintain our dialogue,” Saks said. The Secretary General emphasised that Turkey has an especially significant role in solving the migration crisis, alleviating the situation in Syria, and in the fight against terrorism.

“Turkey was one of the first countries prepared to police the Baltic air space after Estonia became a NATO ally and Turkey remains committed to ensuring the security of the Baltic region,” Saks said. He confirmed that Estonia supports Turkey on its way to the EU and encourages Turkey to continue with the necessary reforms.

The secretaries also discussed the situation in Syria and Ukraine.

Today’s consultations were part of regular political consultations between Estonia and Turkey. The Turkish delegation was headed by the Under Secretary of the Turkish Foreign Ministry Ümit Yalçın

The Turkish delegation also visited the e-Estonia Showroom where an e-Resident ID card was handed to Under Secretary Ümit Yalçın. “Giving e-Residency to my colleague is a statement of the good intentions of Estonia and a confirmation of on-going open and constructive relations between Estonia and Turkey,” Saks said.