‘Making Justice Digital’: benefits of digitalisation to be discussed at conference

Met dank overgenomen van Ests voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2017 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 8 mei 2017.

Digitalisation - that, is, how to make life and work more efficient using digital solutions - is one of the key priorities of the Estonian Presidency of the European Union Council. In view of this, there will be multiple opportunities at which to discuss and share experiences of digitalisation. One of these, forming part of European Development Days (EDD) in Brussels, is Making Justice Digital, being held at the Tour & Taxis conference venue on 7 June 2017 from 9.30 to 10.45.

The opening part of the discussion will be chaired by a representative from the World Bank, who will discuss the ‘World Development Report 2016: Digital Dividends’. This report looks at the often uneven spread of digital resources across the world, and the reasons why certain parts of the world can derive more benefit from advances in technology than can others. The report suggests ways of closing the so-called “digital divide” in countries and regions, but also states that competition among businesses, and adapting workers’ skills to the new economy, are vital components of digitalisation.

Other participants, from the justice sector in Africa and the Middle East, will share their experiences of digitalisation in their respective regions, showing how developments in technology and society have increased efficiency, improved transparency and raised the integrity of their countries. The discussion will also look at how the digital solutions in Justice Sector have improved the ease of doing business, enhanced business development and increased foreign investments. The session will be concluded by looking at how Estonian e-solutions have been adapted and applied in other countries.

If you would like to register for ‘Making Justice Digital’, you must do so using an official identification document. Participants are requested to make a profile on the European Development Days website, registering by 13 May in order to take part and secure a place at EDD. You will need to register through a pre-identified organisation with your professional email address. If your organisation is not listed or you are an independent or freelancer, please email registration@eudevdays.eu. You will be asked to upload an ID picture and a scanned copy of your passport as part of the vetting process. Please note that for security reasons, each registration will be carefully reviewed.