Foreign ministers of Estonia and Spain emphasise the importance of EU unity

Met dank overgenomen van Ests voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2017 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 27 april 2017.

Today, Foreign Minister Sven Mikser and the Foreign Minister of Spain Alfonso María Dastis discussed Estonia-Spain relations, the Estonian Presidency of the EU Council, the security situation, Brexit and the future of the EU.

Mikser reaffirmed very good relations between Estonia and Spain and recognised Spain’s contribution to the security of the Baltic states. “The geographical distance does not stop us from being good partners and allies. We highly appreciate Spain’s participation in the Baltic Air Policing mission, also the contribution to the NATO i Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre and the Baltic Defence College,” Mikser affirmed.

The foreign ministers agreed that the EU faces a number of challenges and the most important at the moment is to maintain the unity of the EU. “Today, the EU must address Brexit, the migration crisis, the fight against terrorism and a number of other issues that we have to solve together. Only a united and decisive EU can guarantee the well-being and security of its citizens,” he emphasised. “We should not let difficult issues overshadow the positive developments in the EU,” Mikser said.

Introducing the priorities of the Estonian Presidency of the EU Council, Mikser confirmed that one of the aims is also to maintain unity and solidarity. “The keywords for the Estonian EU Council Presidency will be safety, inclusion and sustainability. The development of the digital domain will be a separate priority,” Mikser said. The Foreign Minister also pointed out the Eastern Partnership as one of the priorities of the Estonian Presidency. “But security is indivisible and we certainly will not ignore what is happening on the southern border of the EU."

Ministers also discussed economic cooperation, transatlantic relations and the importance of strategic communication.