Prime Minister Ratas: Cooperation between Switzerland and the European Union is in the best interest of both sides

Met dank overgenomen van Ests voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2017 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 10 april 2017.

At today’s meeting, the President of the Swiss Confederation, Doris Leuthard, and the Prime Minister of Estonia, Jüri Ratas, discussed relations between the European Union and Switzerland, matters related to the United Kingdom’s exit from the EU, bilateral relations and the Estonian Presidency of the EU Council.

During the meeting between Leuthard and Prime Minister, joy was expressed over the fact that cooperation between the European Union and Switzerland can continue and that there have been improvements in matters concerning the free movement of labour.

“Switzerland is an important partner for the European Union, we share common values and goals. Therefore, it is especially important to keep our relations positive as we move forth and progress towards signing agreements,” said Ratas.

Speaking of bilateral relations between the two countries, the Prime Minister pointed out intensifying trade and continuously increasing mutual investment volumes as positive signs. Ratas thanked Leuthard for great cooperation within the Estonian-Swiss Cooperation Programme and expressed hope that this partnership between the two countries will continue in the future as well. Touching on cyber defence, Prime Minister Ratas expressed support for intensifying cooperation between the countries and encouraged Switzerland to contribute, as a partner, to the NATO Cyber Defence Centre.

According to the Prime Minister, there is still a lot of room for development when it comes to information and communication technology in the relations between Estonia and Switzerland. Ratas confirmed that Estonian experts and enterprises are ready to share their knowledge and experience of digital services with Switzerland and any other interested parties.

When speaking of the Estonian Presidency, the Prime Minister gave an overview of preparations and priorities to the Swiss President. “Our goal is to maintain unity and quorum within the EU while focusing on developing a Europe that has an open and innovative economy, is safe, digitally-oriented and inclusive,” explained Ratas. When speaking of the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, the Prime Minister emphasised the importance of maintaining close cooperation and expressed hope that the negotiations will progress constructively and in the spirit of consensus.