Mikser and the President of Switzerland discuss cooperation and partnership ahead of the Estonian Presidency of the EU Council

Met dank overgenomen van Ests voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2017 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 11 april 2017.

Today, Foreign Minister Sven Mikser and Swiss president Doris Leuthard discussed relations between Estonia and Switzerland, cooperation between Switzerland and the EU, foreign policy and security issues facing the EU, and the Estonian Presidency of the EU Council.

Foreign Minister Mikser and Swiss president Leuthard emphasised the good and friendly relations between Estonia and Switzerland. “We highly appreciate the work done together in the framework of the Estonian-Swiss Cooperation Programme which has intensified relations between our countries,” Mikser said and expressed his hope that the cooperation programme will continue. Switzerland has supported Estonia with almost €33 million in the framework of the cooperation programme and 16 projects have been carried out thanks to the support. Switzerland has financed reorganisation of children’s homes to family type housing units, enhancement of the public environmental monitoring, purchase of gait orthoses, building energy efficient public buildings, modernisation of the Estonian Forensic Science Institute, and the new geographic information system of the Emergency Response Centre.

Mikser and President Leuthard discussed cooperation between Switzerland and the European Union. “Switzerland is a close partner of the EU whose values we share and ever stronger cooperation is in all of our interests,” said the Foreign Minister. He welcomed positive developments in negotiations between the EU and Switzerland. “We hope that the ambitious plan to reach an agreement by the end of the year will materialise,” Mikser said.

The Foreign Minister gave an overview of the preparations and priorities for the Estonian Presidency of the EU Council. “The Estonian Presidency will take place during a time when Europe will be tackling very important issues, e.g. the migration crisis and the UK's exit from the EU. During the presidency, Estonia will focus on European security, economy, digital topics, and we consider it important to continue supporting the reform policies of the Easter Partnership countries."

Talking about security issues and the situation in Ukraine, Mikser emphasised the importance of coherent international support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. “Lifting the sanctions cannot be an option until the Minsk agreements have been implemented,” the Estonian Foreign Minister emphasised. Mikser and Leuthard stressed the need to continue supporting the reform process in Ukraine.

Mikser and Leuthard also discussed cyber security and cooperation in ICT. “International cyber security cooperation is becoming increasingly important. Switzerland is welcome to join the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence,” Foreign Minister Mikser said.