Supporting the future of Syria and the region - Brussels conference, 04-05/04/2017 - Main results

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 5 april 2017, 21:32.

Main results

The European Union, Germany, Kuwait, Norway, Qatar, the United Kingdom and the United Nations co-chaired the Brussels Conference on Supporting the future of Syria and the region, on 5 April 2017.

"Investment of political work in supporting a resolution to the crisis is key to securing a democratic and free future for Syria and its people. Only Syrians can make the agreement that will secure peace. But today's commitment from the international community and the region to support them in achieving a peaceful future is essential. Today we were clear that sustainable and inclusive peace in Syria for the Syrians remains the objective of all our common work."

Federica Mogherini, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

The conflict in Syria has brought destruction and human suffering on an enormous scale. On the day after the attacks on Khan Sheikhun, the conference condemned the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian Government and ISIL/Daesh, as identified by the UN-OPCW Joint Investigative Mechanism, as well as the attacks the day before. The use of chemical weapons by anyone, anywhere, must stop immediately.

The co-chaired adopted a joint declaration, including specific annexes on supporting the resilience of host countries and refugees in the context of the Syrian crisis for Jordan and for Lebanon.

Co-chairs declaration - Supporting the future of Syria and the region

Participants agreed that in order to meet the massive needs of the populations inside Syria and in neighbouring countries, and strengthen the resilience of host communities, significant financial support as well as innovative and holistic approaches are needed. The generosity of the participants has resulted in the pledging of $ 6 billion (€ 5.6 billion) for 2017.

Annex - Fundraising - Supporting the future of Syria and the region

The conference was held at ministerial level, bringing together 70 countries, international organisations and civil society.

List of participants

On 4 April, parallel thematic sessions were organised by the EU and the co-chairs with UN agencies, other international organisations and key actors from the NGO and civil society community, focusing on various aspects of international support provided in response to the crisis in Syria and the region.