Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 4 april 2017.

The Brussels Conference addresses the situation in Syria and the impact of the crisis in the region.

The Brussels Conference Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region, hosted by the European Union i and co-chaired with Germany, Kuwait, Norway, Qatar, the United Kingdom and the United Nations i, is taking place today and tomorrow.

The Conference brings together ministerial representatives from over 70 delegations, including from the EU and the region but also the wider international community, the United Nations, major donors and civil society, humanitarian and development organisations. It will address the situation in Syria and the impact of the crisis in the region.

The conference will assess where the international community stands collectively in fulfilling commitments made at the London Conference in February 2016 and agree on additional efforts needed to meet the needs of those affected by the crisis. It will reconfirm existing pledges and identify additional support to Syrians in need inside Syria and in neighbouring countries, as well as to the respective host communities, in response to the UN coordinated appeals.

Discussions will also focus on how the international community can support a lasting political resolution to the Syrian conflict through an inclusive and Syrian-led political transition process based on the relevant Security Council i resolutions, and particularly the framework of the UNSC Resolution 2254, and the Geneva communiqué. The conference will reconfirm the international community's commitment to continuing to deliver assistance to Syrians in need, as well as their host communities, and assess the conditions under which post-agreement assistance could be provided once a credible political transition is underway.

Related links

Daily News - 4 April 2017

Opening remarks by Christos Stylianides i, European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management

Information of EU response to the Syria crisis

Website on the Brussels' Conference

Audiovisual material

Welcome address by Christos Stylianides, European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management

Pictures of the event

This section will be updated with available audiovisual material