Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 03/04/2017 - Main results

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 4 april 2017, 1:03.

"Consumer safety is a priority for the Maltese Presidency and the whole of the EU i. Member states and the Commission i have reacted quickly, effectively, and in a coordinated manner to the Brazilian meat scandal. The EU's system for the control of imports is rigorous and reliable, and is now even stricter than before."

Roderick Galdes, Maltese Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture and president of the Council


The Council had an exchange of views on the Omnibus regulation, which proposes updates to legislation in several areas, including the common agricultural policy, and is part of the review of the multi-annual financial framework.

Delegations broadly welcomed the Presidency compromise package and addressed the few outstanding political issues (voluntary coupled support, young farmers, income stabilisation tool, etc.). The outcome of their discussions will provide political guidance to the Special Committee on Agriculture in its task of finding a final agreement on the agricultural aspects of the proposal.

"Our priority is to make life easier for both farmers and national authorities. There is a lot we can do to simplify and improve the existing rules within the limits of market stability."

Roderick Galdes, Maltese Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture and president of the Council

Report on the implementation of ecological focus areas

The Commission informed the Council i on the results of its report on the implementation of the ecological focus area (EFA) obligation under the green direct payments scheme.

Commission report on the implementation of ecological focus areas

The report shows that the EFA obligation applies to the majority of EU arable land, and can help address the impact of some farming practices on the environment, by bringing beneficial effects to biodiversity, soil, water and climate.

Delegations welcomed the report and highlighted the importance of further simplifying the greening of the CAP.

Other topics on the agenda

Ministers were informed about the latest developments in the Brazilian meat fraud, and discussed the simplification of the CAP, with a focus on the period post 2020 and on secondary legislation.

The Council also decided to mobilise the EU solidarity fund to help the United Kingdom, Cyprus and Portugal repair the damage caused by natural disasters. Following the floods in December 2015 and January 2016 the United Kingdom will receive €60.3 million. Cyprus, which was hit by drought and fires between October 2015 and June 2016, will get €7.30 million. Portugal suffered from fires in August 2016 and receives €3.93 million.

Meeting information

Meeting n°3529




Preparatory documents

Indicative programme - Agriculture and Fisheries Council of 3 April 2017

Background brief

Provisional Agenda, Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 3 April 2017

List of A items, legislative deliberations, Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 3 April 2017

List of A items, non-legislative activities, Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 3 April 2017

Outcome documents

Outcome of Council meeting

Press releases

International ocean governance: an agenda for the future of our oceans

03/04/2017, 12:00

Shareholders' rights in EU companies: Council formal adoption

03/04/2017, 10:15

Conflict minerals: Council adopts new rules to reduce financing of armed groups

03/04/2017, 10:15

Press information

Press contacts

Maria Daniela Lenzu

Press officer

+32 22812146

+32 470880402

If you are not a journalist, please send your request to the public information service.

Photos and videos

Fernand Etgen, Nicos Kouyialis and Willy Borsus

Fernand Etgen, Nicos Kouyialis and Willy Borsus

Phil Hogan and Roderick Galdes

Phil Hogan and Roderick Galdes

Vytenis Pavilas Andriukaitis and Roderick Galdes

Vytenis Pavilas Andriukaitis and Roderick Galdes

Start of the meeting

Start of the meeting



See all photos and videos



Agriculture and Fisheries Council: Other meetings






Last reviewed on 03/04/2017

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