10-year pledge to save Mediterranean fish stocks
The Malta MedFish4Ever Declaration sets out a work programme to save Mediterranean fish stocks and protect the region’s ecological and economic wealth.
Over 300 000 persons are directly employed on fishing vessels in the Mediterranean, whilst many more indirect jobs depend on the sector. 80% of its fleet belongs to small-scale fishermen (with vessels under 10m long), who fish a quarter of the total catches. These jobs are at risk as fish stocks in the Mediterranean are shrinking: about 90% of assessed stocks are over-exploited. Food security, livelihoods, and regional stability and security are all under threat.
Following months of negotiations, the European Commission i has secured today a 10-year pledge to save Mediterranean fish stocks and protect the region’s ecological and economic wealth.
The Malta MedFish4Ever Declaration, a practical example of the EU i’s successful neighbourhood policy, sets out a detailed work programme for the next 10 years, based on ambitious but realistic targets.
The Declaration was signed by Mediterranean ministerial representatives from both northern and southern coastlines, a signature that gives political ownership to an issue that was up to now managed at technical level. It is the result of a European Commission-led process that started in Catania, Sicily in February 2016.
Commitments made by the signatories include:
-By 2020, ensure that all key Mediterranean stocks are subject to adequate data collection and scientifically assessed on a regular basis.
-Establish multi-annual management plans for all key fisheries.
-Eliminate illegal fishing by 2020 by ensuring that all States have the legal framework and the necessary human and technical capabilities to meet their control and inspection responsibilities.
-Support sustainable small-scale fisheries and aquaculture by streamlining funding schemes for local projects such as fleet upgrade with low-impact techniques and fishing gear, social inclusion and the contribution of fishermen to environmental protection.
Related links
Press release - European Commission secures 10-year pledge to save Mediterranean fish stocks
Malta MedFish4Ever Declaration
Press statement by Karmenu Vella