Justice and Home Affairs Council, 27-28/03/2017 - Main results

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 28 maart 2017, 1:03.


On Monday, ministers took stock of developments in the area of migration policy, focusing on the implementation of the Malta declaration of 3 February 2017. They paid particular attention to how contributions from member states could help make implementation even more effective.

“Time is of the essence. We risk seeing further tragedies in the Mediterranean, so we must act and act quickly. Every effort is being made to implement the priority actions in the Malta Declaration. In the meantime, it is essential that member states fulfil their commitments with regards to relocations from Italy and Greece and the deployment of experts to the agencies".

Carmelo Abela, Minister for Home Affairs and National Security of Malta

Ministers also took note of information from the Presidency on the outcome of the Valletta Joint Action Plan Senior Officials meeting which took place on 8-9 February 2017.

Over lunch, ministers discussed other aspects of migration policy, focusing on the deployment of resources by the member states as well as on relocation.


Ministers also discussed return and readmission policy, based on the Commission i communication on a more effective return policy and a Commission recommendation on making returns more effective when implementing directive 2008/115/EC ("return directive"). The Council i's discussion centred on two aspects - the external side: improving cooperation by third countries on readmission, and the internal side: making sure the right procedures and systems are in place for effective returns. The discussions enabled ministers to offer guidance for further technical level work on these issues.

Managing migration flows and curbing migrant smugglers (background information)

Common European asylum system reform

The Council took note of ongoing work on the reform of the common European asylum system and resettlement on the basis of a progress report from the presidency. The presidency will continue its efforts to take forward work on as many proposals of the package as possible.

Progress report - reform of the common European asylum system and resettlement

Travel document fraud

The Council adopted without discussion conclusions on the action plan to strengthen the European response to travel document fraud. The conclusions focus on the importance of more secure breeder documents and the need for an overhaul of the FADO database (false and authentic documents online) through a change of its legal basis.

Travel document security is a fundamental element in the fight terrorism and organised crime. It also contributes to improve migration management and border protection.

Council conclusions on the Commission action plan to strengthen the European response to travel document fraud

Agenda highlights for 28 March


The Council will review progress at technical level on several legislative proposals:

the directive on certain aspects concerning contracts for the supply of digital content

the directive on countering money laundering by criminal law

the regulation on mutual recognition of freezing and confiscation orders

Ministers will discuss the state of play and way forward on the topic of criminal justice in cyberspace as well as exchange views on policy options for the criminal justice response to the issue of foreign terrorist fighter returnees.

Meeting information

Meeting n°3528




Preparatory documents

Indicative programme - Justice and Home Affairs Council of 27-28 March 2017

Background brief

Revised provisional agenda, Justice and Home Affairs Council, 27-28 March 2017

List of A items, non-legislative activities, Justice and Home Affairs Council, 27-28 March 2017

Outcome documents

Outcome of the Council meeting

Press releases

Council conclusions on the Commission action plan to strengthen the European response to travel document fraud

27/03/2017, 11:55

Press information

23 March 2017

Press briefing


Press room - Justus Lipsius building - by Ambassador Marlene Bonnici

27 March 2017

Press opportunity


Europa building - Arrivals

Live streaming


Presidency doorstep

Live streaming


Roundtable (Meeting of the Mixed Committe)

Press conference


Press room - Justus Lipsius building

Watch the press conference

28 March 2017

Press opportunity


Europa building - Arrivals


Presidency doorstep



Press conference


Press room - Justus Lipsius building

Watch the press conference

Press contacts

Veronica Huertas-Cerdeira

Press officer

+32 22814548

+32 470882199

Romain Sadet

Press officer (Justice; Corporate communications)

+32 22818914

+32 473865437

If you are not a journalist, please send your request to the public information service.

Photos and videos

Press conference (Home Affairs) - part 1

Press conference (Home Affairs) - part 1

Anders Ygeman, Dimitrios Avramopoulos and Morgan Johansson

Anders Ygeman, Dimitrios Avramopoulos and Morgan Johansson

Start of the meeting

Start of the meeting

Carmelo Abela

Carmelo Abela

Roundtable 27/03

Roundtable 27/03

See all photos and videos



Home Affairs

Justice and Home Affairs Council: Other meetings






Last reviewed on 27/03/2017

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