Mikser at the meeting of the Global Coalition against Daesh: the fight against terrorism requires joint efforts

Met dank overgenomen van Ests voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2017 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 23 maart 2017.

Foreign Minister Sven Mikser affirmed yesterday in Washington at the meeting of foreign ministers of the Global Coalition against Daesh that Estonia will continue to fight against terrorism and that a safe and protected Europe is also a priority of the Estonian EU Council Presidency.

“Terrorism has no place in our world and Estonia will continue to contribute to the fight against terrorism,” the Foreign Minister emphasised. “As a member of the Coalition’s Political-Military Consultation we look for ways to increase our contribution,” he affirmed. Estonia participates in the military operation against Daesh and has also contributed with equipment. Estonia has contributed financially to demining the areas freed from Daesh and will support stabilising those areas through the UN Development Programme.

“Also as the next presidency of the Council of the EU, we keep the topic of the fight against terrorism firmly on the agenda,” Mikser emphasised.

According to the Foreign Minister, the activities of the Global Coalition against Daesh deserve recognition. “The fight is certainly not easy and for it to be successful we have to strengthen international coordination and the exchange of information in particular,” the Foreign Minister noted.

The Global Coalition against Daesh was formed in 2014 and it consists of 68 partners, including the EU, the Arab League and Interpol.