Foreign Minister Mikser reaffirmed support for Moldova’s integration into the EU and encouraged Moldova to implement reforms

Met dank overgenomen van Ests voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2017 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 27 februari 2017.

Foreign Minister reaffirmed at the meeting with Moldova’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Andrei Galbur the good relations between the two countries and encouraged Moldova to continue on the course of the EU.

According to Mikser, Moldova has to continue with the reform process to stay on the path of the EU accession. “Reforms have to increase the state’s efficiency and transparency and to reduce corruption to guarantee the well-being and safety of people,” Mikser said.

Estonia who will soon hold the Presidency of the EU Council wishes to keep attention on the Eastern Partnership and strengthen relations with the partnership countries. He added that it is important to pay more attention to the visibility of the EU activities and to support the Eastern Partnership countries in increasing their strategic communication capacity. The Eastern Partnership Summit will take place in Brussels during Estonia’s Presidency in November.

Moldova continues to be one of Estonia’s development cooperation priority countries. “Main Estonian-Moldovan cooperation projects this year aim to improve the quality of and access to healthcare, support the reforms of the justice area and promote entrepreneurship, especially among women and youth. In these areas we put special emphasis on introducing e-solutions,” Mikser said.

Similarly to last year, Estonia’s development aid to Moldova this year is approximately 950,000€.

Additional information:

Sten Juur

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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