Statement by Commissioner Avramopoulos on the adoption by the Council of the strengthened visa suspension mechanism

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 27 februari 2017.

"I strongly welcome today's endorsement by the Council of the Commission's proposal to reinforce the visa suspension mechanism and ensure stronger safeguards for our visa policy. The revised mechanism will significantly strengthen and increase the effectiveness of the EU's visa liberalisation policy by allowing us to react quickly if a situation arises which could lead to a substantial increase in irregular migration or an increased risk to the internal security of Member States.

By establishing a faster procedure, based on well-defined criteria, the new mechanism will make it easier for Member States to temporarily reintroduce the visa requirement and to swiftly remedy a situation with a sudden and substantial increase in irregular migration, unfounded asylum applications from visa-free travellers, a lack of cooperation on readmission on behalf of third countries or an increased risk or imminent threat to the internal security of one or more Member States. It will now also be possible for the Commission to trigger the suspension mechanism on its own initiative if a situation so requires.

With today's final adoption, we have together succeeded in making the suspension mechanism a more effective instrument for our common visa policy thanks to a flexible approach and a proportionate reaction in cases where a temporary suspension of visa-free travel is justified. In parallel, the new procedure will also allow us to maintain a strong dialogue and cooperation with visa-free third-countries, with the objective of safeguarding and strengthening visa-free travel to the EU for its citizens.

The European Union is offering visa-free travel to the citizens of many third countries, including in the European neighbourhood. Our common visa policy is key to strengthening our ties with third countries and enabling greater personal contact between our citizens. For the EU to safeguard and maintain this visa policy, it is necessary to be able to react swiftly to avoid and counter any potential abuses of the visa exemption."

Next steps

The amendment to the Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement will enter into force 20 days after publication in the Official Journal.


The current suspension mechanism, which has been in force since 2013, allows the EU to temporarily re-impose visa requirements for nationals of a third country in case of a substantial and sudden increase of irregular migration from that country. In May 2016, the Commission proposed to revise the existing rules to further strengthen the mechanism by making it easier for Member States to notify circumstances leading to a possible suspension and by enabling the Commission to trigger the mechanism on its own initiative.

For more information

Revision of the Visa Suspension Mechanism - Frequently Asked Questions



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