United Motors Plc named as a major partner of Estonian EU Presidency

Met dank overgenomen van Ests voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2017 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 16 februari 2017.

The Government Office of Estonia has chosen United Motors Plc to become a major partner for the Estonian presidency of the Council of the European Union, providing 65 VIP vehicles from BMW for the transportation of Heads of State and Government leaders who will be attending high profile events in Estonia.

The Government Office invited eight companies to participate in the tender for providing VIP transport. Three of the companies submitted tenders and the Government Office conducted negotiations with the tenderers. The offer submitted by United Motors was the most competitive; in addition to providing the 65 BMWs, the company will also provide fuel and insurance for the vehicles as well as maintenance and storage space.

"BMW's Estonian dealer United Motors will be the most important partner for the Estonian presidency. The BMW Group is an experienced and reliable provider of VIP vehicles and has cooperated in a similar capacity, for instance, with the previous EU presidencies of Lithuania, Latvia and Luxembourg and is doing the same in Malta at present," said Piret Lilleväli, head of the coordination team for the Estonian presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The manager of United Motors, Kaljo Karilaid, commented that this is a great opportunity which reflects the long-term experience of the BMW Group in carrying out similar international projects. "BMW's innovative technologies and economic mobility solutions are without a doubt the best guarantee for VIP transport during the Estonian presidency to be safe and hassle-free," Karilaid said. He added that the BMW Group is a responsible and eco-friendly manufacturer of premium vehicles; values that fit well with the image of Estonia as an innovative and sustainable country.

Like other presidencies before, Estonia is intent on carrying out partnership projects with companies who wish to offer their products and services to ensure a successful presidency. BMW's Estonian dealer, United Motors, is the first and largest cooperation partner for the presidency. The estimated total cost for the rent of the VIP vehicles with additional expenses is 1,010,694 Euros, including taxes.

From July to December 2017, Estonia will assume the presidency of the Council of the EU for the first time. The presidency coordinates the work of the Council, guiding the 28 Member States towards joint decisions that impact the welfare and security of over 500 million people. During the Estonian presidency, close to 20 high profile events will take place at Tallinn Creative Hub (the Kultuurikatel cultural centre) with the participation of Heads of State, Government leaders and ministers of Member States as well as leaders and top officials of the EU. Up to 30,000 foreign visitors are expected to arrive in Estonia during the presidency, including approximately 1,000 foreign journalists.

Further information:

Tiina Urm, Head of Communication for the EU Presidency

