Migration: European Commission reports on progress made under the relocation and resettlement schemes

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 8 februari 2017.

The European Commission reported today on progress made under the European Agenda on Migration; it also took a decision on an important antitrust case and discussed the duties on imports of solar panels from China, as well as recent developments in Romania.

European Agenda on Migration: Ninth progress report on the EU's relocation and resettlement schemes

Today, the Commission adopted its ninth progress report on the EU's relocation and resettlement schemes, assessing actions taken since 8 December 2016.

During the reporting period, Member States have continued to increase their efforts on resettlement offering legal and safe pathways to 13,968 people so far.

Regarding relocation, the overall positive trend has also been maintained with an additional 3,813 relocations taking place during the reporting period, and December seeing the highest monthly number so far (1,926). The total number of relocations now stands at 11,966. However, the numbers vary greatly from country to country and overall further efforts are still needed from Member States to sustain the progress and reach the monthly targets set by the Commission of 1,000 relocations from Italy and 2,000 from Greece.

Antitrust: Commission fines three companies €68 million for car battery recycling cartel

The European Commission has fined Campine, Eco-Bat Technologies and Recylex a total of €68 million for fixing prices for purchasing scrap automotive batteries, in breach of EU antitrust rules. A fourth company, Johnson Controls, was not fined because it revealed the existence of the cartel to the Commission.

Today's decision ensures that there will be competition on the merits between recyclers of automotive batteries and real competitive price setting for used automotive batteries.

Solar panels

The Commission discussed the duties on imports of solar panels from China. Taking into account the different interests at stake, including Member State opinions expressed in previous discussions, the Commission will pursue these discussions based on a new proposal to keep these measures in place for a further period of 18 months.


The College also discussed the situation in Romania and took note of the latest developments regarding the fight against corruption in the country. The Commission made clear that the reforms achieved inthe fight against corruption must be irreversible and warned against any possible backtracking. The Commission will continue following the situation closely.