Marko Pomerants, Minister of the Environment, is meeting his Bulgarian and Austrian colleagues

Met dank overgenomen van Ests voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2017 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 7 februari 2017.

Today and tomorrow, the ministers of the environment of Bulgaria and Austria are visiting Tallinn for the first discussion of the priorities and cooperation areas of the 18-month joint programme of the three consecutive Presidencies of the Council of the European Union (EU).

As each Presidency only lasts six months, it was decided by the 2009 Treaty of Lisbon to bring three consecutive Presidencies together for the countries to be able to join their forces and keep the issues important to them under heightened attention for the duration of the 18-month period. Estonia forms a trio with Bulgaria and Austria.

“We will agree with the partners included in our trio the topics that we would like to promote together at the European Union level, after which each country can decide the specific focuses of their Presidencies. One of such common threads in the area of the environment will be ensuring a cleaner and more sustainable living environment, with eco-innovation being one of the parts thereof,” said Marko Pomerants, Minister of the Environment.

Eco-innovation is a novel solution, in the case of which existing activities are replaced so that the new solution would be more cost- and resource-efficient from the economical perspective and have a clearly lower environmental or health impact. For example, the innovative wastewater pre-treatment and biogas generation complex opened by AS Estonian Cell in 2014 can be described as an eco-innovation. This innovative and environmentally friendly innovation made the company into the largest biogas producer and consumer in Estonia.

Marko Pomerants, Minister of the Environment, is meeting Irina Kostova, Bulgarian Minister of the Environment, and Andrä Rupprechter, Austrian Minister of the Environment, today and tomorrow. The ministers will also be meeting the creators of a timber industry mobile application from OÜ Timbeter and visiting the company StarshipTechnologies OÜ, which was recently named the most environmentally friendly company in Estonia.

Further information:

Kadri Kauksi

Press Representative of the Ministry of the Environment