Foreign Minister Mikser discussed security with the President and the Foreign Minister of Finland

Met dank overgenomen van Ests voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2017 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 31 januari 2017.

Foreign Minister Sven Mikser emphasised today at a meeting with the Finnish Foreign Minister Timo Soini and President Sauli Niinistö in Helsinki that Estonia and Finland are bonded by long and historic friendship. Mikser congratulated Finland on its centenary of independence and noted that centenary celebrations ahead in both countries present a great opportunity for neighbours to get to know each other better.

Talking about transatlantic relations, European security and defence, the Foreign Minister emphasised close relations with the US and the importance of NATO i partnership. “Finland is our close partner who contributes to the security of the Baltic Sea region, thus to the overall security of Europe. Both Finland and Sweden as partner countries have a close relationship with NATO and it is in our interests for it to continue,” Mikser said.

Talking about topical EU issues and the upcoming Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU, Mikser gave an overview of Estonia’s preparations and priorities. “Our goal is to keep the EU united and decisive, focusing on innovative economy and developing safe, digital and inclusive Europe,” Foreign Minister Mikser said. Talking about Brexit, ministers agreed that it is important to maintain a close cooperative relationship taking into account all rights and obligations.

Also, ministers talked about recent developments in Ukraine and relations with Russia. In addition, supporting each other’s candidacy in international organisations was discussed. Talking about migration crisis, Mikser emphasised that Estonia does everything in its power to successfully integrate asylumseekers into society. “Estonia is ready to fulfil international obligations it has taken regarding refugees,” Mikser emphasised.

Talking about economy, Mikser noted that closely connected Estonia and Finland wish to cooperate in almost every field and that relations are good and close.

Additional information:

Pille Toompere

Estonian Embassy in Helsinki

Media Counsellor

+358 50 501 3721