Mikser spoke with the Foreign Minister of Spain and the Foreign Minister of Portugal about the future of the EU, the Estonian EU Presidency and defence cooperation

Met dank overgenomen van Ests voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2017 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 24 januari 2017.

Yesterday at a meeting in Barcelona, Foreign Minister Sven Mikser discussed the future of the EU, defence cooperation and the upcoming Estonian EU Presidency with the Foreign Minister of Spain Alfonso Dastis and the Foreign Minister of Portugal Augusto Santos Silva.

Talking about the future of the EU, Foreign Minister Sven Mikser emphasised how important it is that the Member States remain united and decisive. Mikser introduced the priorities of the Estonian Presidency to his Spanish and Portuguese colleagues. “We focus on innovation, security and developing digital as well as inclusive Europe,” Foreign Minister said. Mikser welcomed Portugal’s decision to have a diplomat in Tallinn during the Estonian Presidency.

Mikser, Dastis and Santos Silva discussed Europe’s security, the EU and NATO cooperation and defence cooperation in general. “Estonia highly appreciates Spain’s and Portugal’s contribution to the Baltic Air Policing mission. We hope to continue successful cooperation with both countries in the future,” Mikser said. Also, Foreign Minister thanked Spain for contribution to the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence and welcomed Portugal joining the Centre soon.

In addition, Ministers discussed UK’s exit from the EU, migration crisis, relations with the US and Russia.

During both meetings, Ministers discussed cooperation in international organisations and supporting each other’s candidatures. Estonia applies for a nonpermanent membership of the UN Security Council for the term 2020-2021. Mikser congratulated his Portuguese counterpart on the occasion of António Guterres recently taking office as the Secretary General of the UN.

Mikser invited both the Foreign Minister of Spain and the Foreign Minister of Portugal to Estonia.

Foreign Minister Sven Mikser will also meet today with the Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean Fathallah Sijilmassi to discuss opportunities for stronger cooperation on the issues of the EU southern neighbourhood in relation to the upcoming Estonian Presidency.

Additional information:

Mariann Sudakov

Communication Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

(+372) 637 7628

(+372) 521 6821

