MEPs to discuss Council Presidency with Malta’s PM Joseph Muscat at 11.00

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 18 januari 2017, 9:00.

MEPs will debate the priorities of the incoming Maltese Presidency of the EU i Council of Ministers with Prime Minister Joseph Muscat i and Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker i in a plenary debate chaired by Parliament’s new President Antonio Tajani i.

The first-ever Maltese Council Presidency will focus its six-month mandate on the following :

  • migration
  • the single market,
  • security
  • social inclusion
  • Europe’s neighbourhood, and
  • maritime issues.

A press conference by EP President Antonio Tajani, Malta’s Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker is scheduled to take place after the debate (to be confirmed).

@EU2017MT #EU2017MT @JosephMuscat_JM

You can watch the plenary debate and the press conference via EP Live and EbS+

REF. : 20170113IPR58035

Updated: ( 17-01-2017 - 20:22)