Parliament’s mid-term election: 15 candidates for 14 Vice-Presidents’ posts
Following the election of the President, MEPs will choose 14 Vice-Presidents in a secret vote on Wednesday. Candidates need to win the absolute majority of valid votes cast in the first or second ballots to be elected. In the third round, the best-scoring candidates will take up the remaining seats. The election of Vice-Presidents starts at 9.00.
The candidates nominated by their respective political groups are
Evelyne Gebhardt (DE)
Bogusław Liberadzki (PL)
Ryszard Czarnecki (PL)
Alexander Graf Lambsdorff (DE)
Candidate nominated by at least 38 MEPs
The ballot is secret and may last up to three rounds. Candidates may withdraw and new ones may enter the contest before the second ballot. The outcome of the first round is expected to be announced at around 11.00.
The order of precedence of Vice-Presidents reflects the scores achieved by the 14 best scoring candidates. MEPs will have as many votes to cast as their are places to be filled. To cast a valid vote in the first round, MEPs have to vote for at least 8 candidates, i.e. half plus one.
Parliament’s five Quaestors will be elected on Wednesday afternoon.
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REF. : 20170113IPR58129