Weekly Overview for 9 to 13 January

Met dank overgenomen van Maltees voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2017 (EU2017MT) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 6 januari 2017, 18:06.

A selection of events taking place this week in connection with the EU Presidency

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Press Trip - 10th to 14th January

A number of accredited members of the Press will be coming to Malta in order to familiarise themselves with the Island, since they will be visiting the country frequently until the end of June. The event will consist of Q&As and discussions together with Ministers of the Maltese Government and the Maltese Prime Minister. They will also attend activities held by the Maltese EU Presidency together with the European Commission.

College of the Commissioners - 11 January

We will be welcoming to Malta the European Commission, including its President Jean-Claude Juncker i,for an official visit. Commissioners will be attending a number of meetings with Ministers of the Maltese Government. EC President Juncker together with PM Joseph Muscat i will hold a press conference after their meeting. Commissioners will also be meeting with the President of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca.

Opening Ceremony - 11th January

The European Commission, EC President, PM Joseph Muscat, Ministers of the Maltese Government, President of Malta and the Press arriving in Malta are all invited to the Opening Ceremony hosted by the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) together with ZfinMalta. This event is a collaborative music and dance project which will include an original music score by Albert Garzia.

This event will be live-streamed on our website.