December European Council: A Summit of Results

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 15 december 2016.

The outcome of the European Council showed progress in implementing European responses to the challenges the EU is facing in the areas of migration, security, defence and economic and social development. The situation in Ukraine and Syria was addressed, too.


The European Council welcomed progress made under the new Partnership Framework with five priority African countries - Ethiopia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria and Senegal - as an important tool for addressing illegal migration and its root causes, particularly with regard to the Central Mediterranean route, and called upon Member States to step up their engagement.

President Juncker underlined - after a meeting with the President of Niger - that this is “a good example for a structured cooperation between Europe and African countries.” The Council also approved the External Investment Plan, which will mobilise up to 44 billion Euro. President Juncker welcomed this as an important step, saying “it is wiser to invest in Africa than accepting that many Africans have to leave their home crossing the Mediterranean”.

The European Council also confirmed its commitment to the EU-Turkey statement which continues to deliver tangible results and underlined the importance of a full and non-discriminatory implementation of all aspects.

As for the reform of the Common European Asylum System, the European Council recalled that the effective application of the principles of responsibility and solidarity remains a shared objective. It invited the Council to aim at achieving consensus on the EU's asylum policy during the incoming Maltese Presidency of the EU.

Security and Defence

The European Council welcomed in this context the Commission's proposals on the European Defence Action Plan and invited the Commission to make proposals in the first semester of 2017 for the establishment of a European Defence Fund including a window on the joint development of capabilities commonly agreed by the Member States. President Juncker underlined that Europeans need to spend their money on expense more wisely: “The US spends 500 billion Euro on defence, while Europeans spend 200 billion, but the efficiency of the European expenses is only 12 to 15%“. The European Council welcomed the Commission’s European Defence Action Plan, which will improve Europe’s efficiency in defence research and spending.

Economic and social issues and youth

The European Council welcomed the agreement reached on the extension of the Investment Plan for Europe and expects the co-legislators to adopt it in the first half of 2017.

The European Council backed the continuation of the Youth Guarantee, welcomed the increased support for the Youth Employment Initiative and called for the work on initiatives like the European Solidarity Corps to be continued.

External relations

The European Council reconfirmed its commitment to international law and the territorial integrity of Ukraine as well as the conclusion of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, including the establishment of a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement. The European Council found a solution that addresses the concerns raised in the Dutch referendum. At the same time this agreement allows the European Union to keep its commitments to its close partner, the Ukraine, which is a matter of geopolitical responsibility.

Further to the adoption of a robust suspension mechanism, the European Council also invited the co-legislators to complete the procedure leading to the lifting of visa requirements for Ukraine and Georgia.

The European Council strongly condemned the latest developments in Syria and called on all global players present in Syria to use all available diplomatic channels. Europe’s first priority at the moment is the protection of civilians, the immediate opening of a humanitarian corridor as well as the full and unrestricted access for aid workers and medical personnel.


At an informal meeting following the European Council, the leaders of 27 Member States met to discuss how the Brexit process will be handled once the United Kingdom has submitted its notification. They welcomed the appointment of Michel Barnier i as the Union's chief negotiator who will be working in an inclusive way so as to guarantee the unity of the EU-27.