Wednesday 21 December (TBC): The Commission will propose to reinforce the Schengen Information System (SIS)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 16 december 2016.

The news:

On Wednesday 21 December, the Commission will present modifications to improve the functionalities of the Schengen Information System. The modifications will include measures with regards to entry bans and return decisions, the use of facial images for biometric identification and the creation of new alerts for wanted unknown persons, which will improve the added value of the system for law enforcement purposes.

The background:

Better information exchange, including improvement of the functionality of the Schengen Information System (SIS), was identified as one of the key pillars for EU action in the European Agenda on Security and was further reiterated in the Communication on paving the way towards an effective and sustainable Security Union.

In view of the terrorist threat faced today, the efficiency of security checks is highly dependent on the exchange of information not only between law enforcement authorities, but also intelligence communities. Effective and timely information sharing among relevant authorities is a prerequisite for successful counter-terrorism action. In April 2016, the Commission launched a debate on how to develop stronger and smarter information systems to address shortcomings and gaps in the architecture and in interoperability of current data systems and to realise the full potential of these systems to identify security threats, in full compliance with data protection rules. As part of its actions to improve existing information systems, the Commission announced that it will present proposals by the end of 2016 to revise the legal basis of SIS and further enhance its functionality.

SIS is the most widely used information sharing instrument and the largest security database in Europe. Competent national authorities can use it to consult alerts on wanted or missing persons and objects, both inside the Union and at the external border. It contains over 64 million alerts entered by 29 European countries.

The event:

A press conference presenting the proposals will be held in the press room in the European Commission's Berlaymont building on 21 December. A live stream will be available on EBS.

The sources:

European Agenda for Security

Communication: Delivering on effective and genuine Security Union

Communication: Stronger and Smarter Information Systems for Borders and Security

DG HOME: Schengen Information System



Press contacts:

General public inquiries: Europe Direct by phone 00 800 67 89 10 11 or by email