European Union offers unprecedented support to peace implementation in Colombia with almost €600 million

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 12 december 2016.

This package consists of short and medium term measures in the form of loans, technical assistance and grants.

As part of this support, Commissioner for International Development and Cooperation, Neven Mimica i, is launched today in Brussels a dedicated Trust Fund worth €95 million, together with the Foreign Ministers of 19 contributing Member States. This signing took place in the presence of High Representative/Vice President Federica Mogherini i and the President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos.

The European Union has supported Colombia from the very beginning of the peace process until the historic peace agreement, which was reached between the Colombian Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) recently. This Trust Fund is a clear sign of the EU's continued and committed support, as it will continue to stand by Colombia during the post-conflict phase, in particular to implement measures which will contribute to the construction of lasting and durable peace in Colombia. The EU Trust Fund is the main vehicle for the European Union to support post-conflict in Colombia. Its activities will support the people in Colombia at local level, with a focus on rural areas, which were disproportionately affected by the conflict.

High Representative/Vice President Federica Mogherini stated: "We have accompanied Colombia since the very start of the peace process in 2012 - the same year in which the European Union was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Peace is the cornerstone of the European project and we remain committed to supporting all Colombian people in their efforts to achieve stable and lasting peace in the country".

Commissionerfor International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica added: "The European Union's support to the peace process in Colombia, which amounted to almost €550 million over the last 15 years, will now be complemented with this package of almost €600 million. This will contribute to our shared ambitions to build a peaceful, sustainable society, and improve the lives of all Colombians, especially those in remote rural areas. We strongly believe that through this joint EU action, we will support Colombia in overcoming the legacy of the internal conflict".

Over the last 15 years, the European Union and its Member States have supported peace building in Colombia with €1.5 billion, with €550 million from the European Commission. Concretely, it has supported peacebuilding in Colombia by mainly working in rural and remote areas affected by the conflict. Through this financial support, the European Union will help the Colombian Government to implement the provisions established in the new peace agreement.

For More Information

European Union's peace building support of with almost € 600 million in Colombia

EU-Colombia relations



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