Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, 08/12/2016 - Main results

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 9 december 2016, 1:11.

Meeting information

Outcome of the Council meeting

Provisional agenda Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Council, 8 December 2016

List of A items, legislative deliberation, Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, 8 December 2016

List of A items, non-legislative activities, Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, 8 December 2016

Indicative programme - Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, 8 December 2016

Background brief

Preview video of Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, 8 December 2016


EU Health Ministers want to give a boost to better diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases by pooling forces from all member states


Annual growth survey 2017

EU health ministers welcomed the Commission's annual growth survey for 2017 which they considered to be a valuable contribution to ongoing reflection on how to increase the cost-effectiveness and quality of health care. They particularly shared the Commission view that health systems should become sustainable. Health ministers had divergent views on whether they should have a yearly discussion on the public health related aspects of the annual growth survey. The presidency asked the Council's preparatory bodies to examine this question further.

"There is no doubt that an ageing population puts aconsiderable strain on health systems. Without reform, the costs of health systems are expected to double by 2050. The European semester has become the main economic tool for recommending reforms to member states."

Tomáš Drucker, Slovak Minister for Health and President of the Council

European reference networks

EU health ministers were reassured by the Commission that the European reference networks are well on track. As from March 2017 European reference networks will bring relief to persons suffering from rare diseases by bringing together patients with highly specialised expertise from across the EU. This will help remedy a situation in which many persons affected by a rare disease, in particular those in smaller member states, do not have access to an accurate diagnosis or high quality treatment.

"30 millions Europeans, including many children, suffer from a rare disease. Some of them are not properly diagnosed, and others do not have access to the right treatment. The European reference networks will address this situation by helping persons affected by a rare disease to be diagnosed and treated by the person with the right expertise. This is a sort of single market for proper medical advice."

Tomáš Drucker, Slovak Minister for Health and President of the Council

Employment and Social Policy

The Council reached a general approach on three new regulations governing the European foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions (Eurofound), the European agency for safety and health at work (EU-OSHA) and the European centre for the development of vocational training (Cedefop).

"Today we reached an agreement on how to improve the efficiency of three European agencies devoted to research into various aspects of the lives of our citizens. They will be adapted to reflect new requirements, with an extension of the scope of their tasks and a considerable reduction in red tape. This agreement would not have been possible without the open and constructive support of all Member States"

Ján Richter, Slovak Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Family

The main aim of the regulations is to update the objectives, tasks and activities of the agencies in order to reflect recent societal, institutional and economic developments as well as new requirements.

Ministers exchanged views on the European Semester 2017, following the economic package presented by the Commission in November. The Council approved the employment and social aspects of the euro area draft recommendation.

The Council held a policy debate on the European pillar of social rights. This initiative is part of the work undertaken by the Commission for a deeper and fairer Economic and Monetary Union but is not limited to the euro area member states.

The Council took stock of progress on the posting of workers directive, as well as on accessibility and equal treatment directives.

The Council adopted conclusions on "The implementation of the Youth guarantee and the Youth employment initiative", "Accelerating the process of Roma integration", and "Women and poverty".

Without discussion, the Council adopted:

A new directive to reduce air pollution. The new rules set stricter national limits for the emission of some of the most dangerous air pollutants. With this directive, the number of premature deaths due to air pollution in the EU is estimated to be cut by about 50% in 2030 (compared to 2005).

Rules to facilitate the development of institutions for occupational retirement provision (IORPs), aimed at better protecting pension scheme members The directive will improve the governance and transparency of IORPs and facilitate their cross-border activities.

Fair labour mobility in the EU

European Semester


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