Priorities of the Transport, Telecommunications & Energy Council

Met dank overgenomen van Maltees voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2017 (EU2017MT) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 5 december 2016.


Priorities of the Transport, Telecommunications & Energy Council – Press Note

Malta’s priorities on energy during its tenure as the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, were today outlined by Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister Konrad Mizzi at the TTE Council (Energy) in Brussels.

Minister Konrad Mizzi welcomed the recently issued ‘Clean Energy for all Europeans’ package and said that during the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Malta will be creating the momentum to initiate discussions on these proposals. As a first priority, Malta will be focusing on making headway in discussions on the two proposals in the Energy Efficiency package. Minister Mizzi said that this package will be giving EU consumers a secure, sustainable, competitive and affordable energy.

In addition, during its Presidency, Malta will be hosting a Euro-Med conference to highlight the importance of regional cooperation in the delivery of the Energy Union objectives in particular the potential of the Mediterranean region as a source of energy diversification.

Discussions during the Energy Council held today, focused mainly on the proposal

concerning measures to safeguard the security of gas supply with an emphasis on regional

cooperation, exchange of information and solidarity mechanisms in case of crisis.

Bilateral meetings with a number of delegations, including with Germany, Poland, the UK,

Cyprus, and Italy were held on the margins of the Council.

Minister Konrad Mizzi thanked the Slovak Presidency for their work of the last six months

on furthering discussions on the legislative proposals on the table.