Indicative programme - Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Transport and Telecommunications issues), 1-2/12/2016

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 30 november 2016.

Place: Justus Lipsius building, Brussels

Chairs: Transport: Arpád Érsek, Slovak Minister for Transport, Construction and Regional Development; Telecommunications: Peter Pellegrini, Slovak Deputy Prime Minister for Investments and the Information Society and Arpád Érsek, Slovak Minister for Transport, Construction and Regional Development.

All times are approximate and subject to change


+/- 09.00

Doorstep by Minister Érsek

+/- 10.00

Beginning of Council meeting (roundtable)

Adoption of the agenda

Adoption of non-legislative legislative A items

+/- 10.15

EASA Regulation (public session)

+/- 11.25

Any other business:

  • a) 
    ICAO + IMO
  • b) 
    Draft aviation agreement with Turkey

+/- 11.50

Shipping safety (public session)

+/- 13.00

Informal ministerial lunch

+/- 14.30

Any other business:

  • a) 
    Road haulage sector
  • b) 
    Evolution of the type approval legislation
  • c) 
    Security in the transport sector
  • d) 
    Road safety
  • e) 
    Follow up to Amsterdam declaration on connected cars
  • f) 
    Women in transport
  • g) 
  • h) 
    European Strategy for Low Emission Mobility
  • i) 
    Work programme of the incoming Presidency

+/- 18.00

Press conference (live streaming)


+/- 08.30

Doorstep by Minister Érsek

+/- 09.30

Beginning of Council meeting (roundtable)

+/- 09.30

Review of the Regulatory Framework (public session)

+/- 11.15

Wholesale Roaming (public session)

+/- 12.15

Any other business - Fair use policy in the context of roaming services

+/- 12.45

Cross-Border Parcel delivery (public session)

+/- 13.00

Informal ministerial lunch

+/- 15.00

WiFi4EU (public session)

+/- 15.20

Any other business (public session)

  • a) 
    Digital single market initiatives
  • b) 
    Developments on internet governance
  • c) 
    Work programme of the incoming Presidency

+/- 16.00

Press conference (live streaming)