Minister José Herrera meets the presidents and board members of the European Landowners’ organisation in Malta

Met dank overgenomen van Maltees voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2017 (EU2017MT) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 1 december 2016.


Minister José Herrera meets the presidents and board members of the European Landowners’ organisation in Malta

During the meeting,

Minister José Herrera

presented the priorities

for the Maltese

Presidency of the EU


On the eve of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Minister José Herrera continued honouring his commitments in Malta and abroad where he encountered a number of ministers, MEPs and important stakeholders in order to illustrate Malta’s priorities for the next six months in relation to the environment.

In Malta, Minister Herrera held a meeting with almost forty presidents and board members from the European Landowners’ organisation, from various states around the EU.

During the meeting, Minister Herrera presented what will be his Ministry’s priorities during the Maltese Presidency of the EU 2017 and explained that he will build on the work carried out by the Slovak Presidency and further the legislative work carried out on various files, in particular those relating to the circular economy and climate change.

Minister Herrera added that he is currently preparing, meeting and hearing from the various stakeholders to ensure he is an honest broker during the Presidency. He said that at the informal meeting of EU Ministers for the Environment to be held in Malta in April 2017, he intends to discuss the topics such as water, climate change and the circular economy.

The members attending this meeting asked a number of questions relating to the subject.

Later this month, Minister Herrera is expected in Brussels to attend the last meeting of the Council of Environment Ministers before Malta formally takes over the Presidency.