EU boosts 2017 commitment to education for children in emergencies

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 30 november 2016.

Today the European Commission is announcing a further increase of the share of its humanitarian aid budget to lead the way in supporting education projects in emergency situations around the world. The increase from 4% in 2016 to 6% in 2017 of the humanitarian aid budget, puts the Commission well ahead of the global average. Education in emergencies is one of the most underfunded areas in humanitarian aid worldwide, with less than 2% of the global humanitarian funding being dedicated to this area.

"Education is not a privilege, education is a right. It is one of our top priorities in our humanitarian aid programmes, from the Middle East to Africa and beyond, Our aim is to enable access to quality education in a safe learning environment for vulnerable children caught in situations of emergency. By funding education, we can make a real investment in children's futures and their hope for a better life. The EU is leading by example and I call on other international donors and stakeholders to step up their efforts worldwide." said Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides i, who is taking part at the Education in Emergencies Forum which is hosted by the European Commission today in Brussels.

Commissioner Stylianides has continued to increase the financial support to education projects for children in conflict areas every year since took office two years ago. The percentage of EU humanitarian support allocated to education in emergencies support is now six times higher than it was in 2014.

The contribution will support access to formal and non-formal education, including life skills and vocational training, recreational activities and psychosocial support. Children will also benefit from the provision of school material and the setting up of new education facilities. Teachers and parents will also be supported and benefit from training.

The aid will be channelled through non-governmental organisations (NGOs), United Nations agencies and International Organisations to reach the most vulnerable.


Today, 75 million children living in crisis-affected countries and forced displacement lack access to quality education.

To date, more than €92 million in EU humanitarian aid have been allocated for education in emergencies projects. Over 3.8 million children in 47 countries have benefited from this support so far.



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