EU - Ukraine Summit: Support, Solidarity and a Strengthened Partnership

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 24 november 2016.

Three years on from the Maidan demonstrations in Kyiv, the EU reaffirmed its solidarity to the people of Ukraine and its commitment to their independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The European Union and Ukraine reaffirmed their strong partnership and shared commitment to a comprehensive reform agenda at the 18th EU-Ukraine Summit in Brussels. The EU reaffirmed its support for Ukraine's far-reaching reform and anti-corruption agenda. President Juncker welcomed the fact that "considerably more progress has been made over this short period than during the previous 20 years".

Discussions also focused on the way forward regarding EU Macro-Financial Assistance to Ukraine. €1.2 billion from a total of €3.4 billion is still to be disbursed in two tranches and President Juncker welcomed President Poroshenko i's commitment to meeting all remaining reform conditions for the next disbursement.

Visa Liberalisation

President Juncker welcomed the agreement on the negotiating position on visa liberalisation reached by the Council ahead of the Summit. This shows the EU's commitment for visa free travel for short stays in the Schengen area to citizens of Ukraine. President Juncker stressed that Ukraine had undertaken the reforms asked of them and that he was "convinced that despite the divergences that can exist between certain Member States and the European Parliament we will be able to grant visa liberalisation for Ukraine before the end of the year".

A Strengthened Partnership

The EU also signed a €15 million reform assistance programme to help Ukraine investigate and fight corruption. Cooperation in the energy sector was also deepened with a Memorandum of Understanding to reaffirm Ukraine's role as a key transit country and ensure uninterrupted gas delivery to Europe this winter. The new agreement will also broaden the cooperation across a number of new areas, including energy efficiency and renewable energy