Economic and Financial Affairs Council, 16/11/2016 - Agenda highlights

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 17 november 2016, 0:59.

Agenda highlights

The Council will prepare the negotiations with the European Parliament i on the 2017 EU budget which will take place in a conciliation committee meeting the same day.

On 26 October, the Council informed the Parliament that it cannot accept all the amendments for the 2017 budget. As a result, on 28 October a three-week conciliation period started, aimed at bridging the gap between the positions of the Council and the Parliament. The conciliation period ends on 17 November midnight.

In its position adopted on 12 September, the Council accepted without change the resources proposed by the Commission for tackling the migration crisis and for fighting against the migration's root causes. The Council also approved an increase by almost 9% of the resources aimed at boosting economic growth and creating new jobs.

The Council's position amounts to €156.4 billion in commitments and €133.8 billion in payments. The Parliament wishes to increase total commitments to €162.4 billion and total payments to €138.0 billion.

EU budget for 2017

How the EU budget works