Statement by President Juncker on the first anniversary of the attacks in Paris on 13 November 2015

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 12 november 2016.

"On 13 November 2015, terrorists arbitrarily and barbarically hit at the heart of Paris, there where we like to meet, exchange, experience life together on café terraces and in restaurants, in a concert venue and next to a stadium.

The memory of the victims of that brutal night will remain forever etched in our hearts. They wanted to attack France. But on that tragic night, we Europeans and citizens across the world were all French. It was all of Europe, all democracies, which were attacked. In Paris, as in Brussels or in Nice, the perpetrators of these attacks sought to weaken us by targeting the innocent, women, children, old and young, of all religions and creeds. They failed. Because, together and more united than ever before, we will never renounce the very values, the very freedoms we join forces to defend.

Europe showed that it is determined to pursue this fight, to preserve its democratic, open and plural nature, whilst refusing to compromise when it comes to the security of its citizens.

Today I think of each of those 130 shattered lives, of their families, and of all those who still bear the mental and physical scars of acts of terrorism, and who lead a courageous battle each day to overcome the trauma that has marked them. In my name, and on behalf of the European Commission, I would to like to assure them that, together, we will persevere."


Security has been a constant theme since the beginning of the Juncker Commission's mandate - from President Juncker's Political Guidelines of July 2014, to the latest State of the Union address on September 2016.

The European Commission adopted the European Agenda on Security on 28 April 2015, setting out the main actions to ensure an effective EU response to terrorism and security threats in the European Union over the period 2015-2020.

Since the adoption of the Agenda, significant progress has been made in its implementation. The main priorities have been reinforced by Action Plans adopted in December 2015 on firearms and explosives, in February 2016 on strengthening the fight against terrorist financing, the Communication of 6 April 2016 on Stronger and Smarter Information Systems for Borders and Security, and the Communication of 20 April 2016 on Delivering on the European Agenda on Security to fight against terrorism and pave the way towards an effective and genuine Security Union.

Most recently, the launch on 6 October 2016 of a European Border and Coast Guard, as announced by President Juncker in his State of the Union Speech on 9 September 2015 and only 9 months after the Commission's proposal of December 2015, shows a clear commitment to implement the measures under the European Agenda on Migration to reinforce the management and security of the EU's external borders.

The creation by President Juncker of a specific Commissioner portfolio for the Security Union in August 2016 shows the importance the Commission attaches to stepping up its response to the terrorist threat. The Commissioner will be assisted by a cross cutting Task Force drawing on the expertise of the whole Commission to drive work forward and to ensure implementation. The first Task Force meeting was held on 22 September 2016.

For more information

Communication on progress towards an effective and genuine Security Union

European Agenda on Security

Factsheet: Security Union



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