EU announces €78 million for South Sudan crisis

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 11 november 2016.

The funding was announced today by Commissioner Christos Stylianides i who is currently in Uganda, one of the largest refugee and asylum-seekers hosting country in the world. He is visiting the Bidibidi refugee settlements built recently to host the rapidly increasing numbers of refugees from neighbouring South Sudan.

"The EU i stands by the people of South Sudan who had to escape conflict and violence. I would like to pay tribute to Uganda for its hospitality in welcoming refugees and offering them an opportunity to rebuild their lives in dignity, which is an example for the region and beyond. Our new funding will help our humanitarian partner organisations get lifesaving aid to those who need it most. Sadly, attacks on relief organisations are a regular occurrence in South Sudan. What's crucial therefore is that humanitarian organisations have unhindered and safe access to do their lifesaving job." said Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides.

40 million will be allocated to humanitarian organisations in South Sudan itself, with €30 million to help displaced South Sudanese in Uganda, and a further €8 million in neighbouring Sudan. The funding will contribute to life-saving activities in South Sudan, and to meet urgent needs of the displaced population in the neighbouring countries in terms of shelter, nutrition, healthcare, sanitation and protection, especially of children. Of the funds allocated to Uganda, €10 million will come from the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa.

The EU is among the biggest donors for the South Sudanese crisis and has provided close to half a billion Euros since fighting erupted in December 2013.


Despite a peace agreement signed in August 2015, fighting has spread around the country and intensified in 2016, especially since July. The situation in South Sudan has reached catastrophic levels. Overall, nearly 3 million people have fled violence and have been displaced inside and outside the country. The country is facing the worst food security crisis since its independence and there are virtually no health services but for those provided by humanitarian organisations. There are alarming reports of ethnically motivated killings, wide spread gender-based violence and hate speech. Relief organisations provide neutral and impartial life-saving assistance but are put under pressure by the parties to the conflict. As a result, humanitarian aid is not reaching all populations in need.

The conflict has severe implications for the region. The massive flow of refugees to Uganda is triggered by the new dynamics of the conflict, which has spread to areas close to Uganda. By October, the total number of new arrivals from South Sudan was more than 230,000 since July, the vast majority of whom women and children.

Uganda now hosts nearly 800 000 refugees. This makes it one of the largest refugee and asylum-seekers hosting country in the world. Other refugees in Uganda are mainly from Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi.

For more information:

South Sudan factsheet



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