Letter of congratulations by President Donald Tusk to Mariano Rajoy

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Raad i, gepubliceerd op zondag 30 oktober 2016.

On behalf of the European Council, I wish to convey my warm congratulations on your investiture for another term as Prime Minister of Spain. I trust that over the next years and under your leadership, Spain will benefit from the political stability and social cohesion that are necessary to respond to the challenges at hand. In order to do so effectively, we need to consolidate Europe's economic recovery, to implement a comprehensive and lasting solution to the migration crisis, and to provide appropriate responses to geopolitical challenges.

The decisions that we take in the months to come, collectively and individually, will have an impact not only on the shape of our Union in the future, but also on our neighbours and partners abroad.

I look forward to continuing to work closely with you at the European Council.