MEPs back operation to liberate Mosul

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 27 oktober 2016, 12:25.

The Iraqi operation to liberate Mosul from jihadi group ISIS/Daesh was backed by MEPs on Thursday. They called on Iraqi authorities to make every effort to protect civilians, hospitals and schools, as they progress towards Mosul. Daesh atrocities and genocide against Christians, Yazidis and other minorities should be referred to International Criminal Court, added MEPs.

MEPs support the operation started by Iraq and backed by the anti-Daesh coalition and Kurdish Peshmerga forces to liberate Mosul from Daesh, which has subjected the city to a draconian regime since 2014.

MEPs are deeply concerned “at the continual reports on ISIS/Daesh’s use of children, the elderly, women and vulnerable persons as shields” against the ongoing operation and condemn the extreme violence it spread around Iraq. The resolution reiterates that Daesh is committing genocide against Christinians, Yazidis and other minorities, and calls on EU member states to refer this case to International Criminal Court.

Protect civilians

MEPs stress that 1.5 million people are at imminent risk of displacement in Mosul and call on Iraqi authorities to protect civilians and prevent civilian casualties and human rights violations during the ongoing operation. They urge all parties to the conflict to open humanitarian aid corridors and guarantee assistance, and also suggest setting up a UN third-party monitoring mechanism.

Support stabilisation

The EU has provided €134 million to date in humanitarian aid in Iraq, including €50 million for Mosul , says the text, which calls on EU member states “to step up efforts for stabilisation of the liberated areas”.

As Northern Iraq has a history of ethno-religious diversity, MEPs also call on the international community to support an inclusive post-conflict settlement with more autonomy for the Nineveh Plain, Sinjar and Tal Afar regions.

The resolution on Northern Iraq was passed by 488 votes to 11, with 128 abstentions.

REF. : 20161020IPR47906