Tackling root causes of migration in Senegal

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 25 oktober 2016.

The Commission and Senegal sign four new projects to develop the local economy in areas at the source of migration, improving living conditions in rural areas, supporting food security and agricultural development, and strengthening the rule of law.

On the occasion of the visit to Senegal of Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica i, who attended a conference on "Migrations, governance and development in West Africa" hosted by President of Senegal, Macky Sall, the Commission strengthened its support to Senegal with four new projects:

  • two projects worth €60 million - financed under the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa - to develop the local economy in areas at the source of migration (€40 million) and improve living conditions in rural areas (€20 million);
  • two projects worth €30 million - financed by the 11th European Development Fund - to support food security and agricultural development (€20 million) and the rule of law (€10 million).

Senegal is one of the five priority countries of the EU's new migration partnership framework, which aims at deepening cooperation with countries of origin and transit.