MEPs urge Russia and Assad regime to stop shelling civilians

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 6 oktober 2016, 12:21.

MEPs urge all parties in the Syrian war, and especially Russia and the Assad regime, to stop bombing civilians, in a resolution voted on Thursday. They condemn the recent attacks on hospitals and a humanitarian relief convoy and call on International Syria Support Group members to resume negotiations for a stable truce and an eventual peace deal in Syria.

MEPs strongly condemn all attacks against civilians and hospitals in Syria, and also a recent attack on a humanitarian relief convoy and a Red Crescent warehouse near Aleppo, which arguably constitutes a war crime. They call for those guilty of committing such crimes to be held to account.

They also call upon “all parties in the conflict, and especially Russia and Assad regime, to stop all attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, including water and electrical infrastructure [...] to lift all sieges and to allow rapid, safe and unhindered access for humanitarian agencies to reach people in need”.

The resolution urges all International Syria Support Group members “to resume negotiations to facilitate the establishment of a stable truce” and to find a lasting political settlement in Syria. The EU i should play “a more pronounced role in mediating a peace deal in Syria”, it adds.

The resolution on Syria was passed by 508 votes to 50, with 56 abstentions.

Procedure: Non-binding resolution

REF. : 20160930IPR44567