Brussels Conference on Afghanistan: main results

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 5 oktober 2016.

On 5 October, the European Union and the government of Afghanistan co-hosted the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan. This conference brought together 75 countries and 26 international organisations and agencies.

Participants endorsed the ambitiousreform agenda presented by the Afghan government. They undertook to ensure continued international political and financial support for Afghanistan over the next four years. The total sum committed by the international community is US$15.2 billion (+/- €13.6 billion). The EU i and its member states committed toUS$5.6 billion (+/- €5 million)This is an exceptional level of funding which ensures that Afghanistan will remain on a firm path to political and economic stability, state-building and development. The regional stakeholders and the international community also reaffirmed their commitment to a political process towards lasting peace and reconciliation.

Brussels Conference on Afghanistan, partnership for prosperity and peace: communiqué of the participants


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"The Brussels Conference on Afghanistan expressed impressive international commitment. With this support, I am sure that the Afghan government will succeed. Investing in the Afghan people is a way of investing in international stability and our own present and future. It was a very successful conference, both financially and politically, which will inject the new energy needed for the future of Afghanistan."

Federica Mogheri, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security policy.

"A promise has been made. Redeeming of the promise doesn't depend on the international community but on the Afghan nation. It will be translated to budget and dispersment, and then to programs and projects. It is a promise to the poor, to the youth, the women, the excluded that they will be citizens of a State that they will enjoy living in and prosper"

Ashraf Ghani, President of Afghanistan at the final press conference

The opening session of the conference included speeches by President of the European Council Donald Tusk i, President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon i and US Secretary of State John Kerry i.

The Afghan government then presented its reform programme in support of strong Afghan-led state and institution building over the next four years.

Afghanistan national peace and development framework (ANPDF), 2017 to 2021


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Self-reliance through mutual accountability framework


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Statements by participants were delivered to the Conference. The morning session was chaired by EU High Representative Federica Mogherini i and Afghan Minister of Foreign Affairs Salahuddin Rabbani. The afternoon session was chaired by the Afghan Minister of Finance Eklil Hakimi and the European Commissioner for Development Cooperation Neven Mimica i.

Two representatives of Afghan civil society also addressed the conference, recalling that ultimate accountability is to the Afghan people.

The Conference was concluded with closing remarks by Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah, High Representative Federica Mogherini and European Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development Neven Mimica.

Side events

High-level events on women empowerment in Afghanistan and on regional economic cooperation took place on Tuesday 4 October.

Read the press release on the two high-level events:

Realising Afghanistan's economic potential and reinforcing the role of women