Brussels Conference on Afghanistan 4-5 October 2016

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 3 oktober 2016.

The European Union i and the government of Afghanistan co-host the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan on 4-5 October 2016, bringing together more than 70 countries and 20 international organisations and agencies.

The European Union and the government of Afghanistan co-host the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan on 4-5 October 2016, bringing together more than 70 countries and 20 international organisations and agencies.

The aim of the conference is to endorse a realistic programme of reforms to bring about the Afghan government's vision and to ensure continued international political and financial support for political and economic stability, state-building and development over the coming four years.

The conference is taking place under the patronage of President of the European Council Donald Tusk i and President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani, who will open the event.

The High Representative/Vice President Federica Mogherini i co-chairs the conference on behalf of the EU along with Neven Mimica i, European Commissioner for Development Cooperation.

Commissioner Mimica will also sign a State-Building Contract, alongside the Minister of Finance of Afghanistan, Eklil Ahmad Hakimi. The State-Building Contract will provide €200 million in budget support to the Government of Afghanistan, providing the authorities to finance their own strategic development priorities and policies.

Just ahead of the conference, on 3 October, the European Union and Afghanistan reached an important political arrangement, "The EU-Afghanistan Joint Way Forward on Migration issues", to effectively tackle the challenges in both the European Union and Afghanistan linked to irregular migration.