Environment ministers approve EU ratification of Paris Agreement
"Today is an important day not only for our action on climate but also for unity we have demonstrated. This means that EU i and its member states will add their weight to trigger the entry into force of the Paris Agreement i. Europe has shown leadership in Paris and will participate in its implementation in Marrakesh. Action for climate remains essential for livelihood of our planet and future generations."
László Sólymos
Main results
Paris Agreement
The Council agreed to speed up the process of ratification of the Paris Agreement. This agreement s
ets the framework for global action on climate change.
Ministers decided to go ahead with ratification at EU level. Member states will ratify either together with the EU if they have completed their national procedures, or as soon as possible thereafter.
The Slovak Minister for the Environment and president of the Council, László Sólymos said: "Today is an important day not only for our action on climate but also for unity we have demonstrated. This means that EU and its member states will add their weight to trigger the entry into force of the Paris Agreement. Europe has shown leadership in Paris and will participate in its implementation in Marrakesh. Action for climate remains essential for livelihood of our planet and future generations".
Marrakesh climate change conference
The Council adopted conclusions on the preparations for the Marrakesh climate change conference (7-18 November 2016). Following the Paris conference of December 2015, at which the Paris Agreement was adopted, the Marrakesh conference will focus on action and implementation. Ministers expect, among other things, that progress is made to elaborate the details of the agreement.