Statement by Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides on the situation in Aleppo

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 29 september 2016.

The need for humanitarian access in Aleppo, Syria could not be more urgent.

I am outraged by the unprecedented attacks that have targeted civilians and humanitarian infrastructures. With no sense of proportionality and restraint, the attacks have affected water pumping stations, vital supply stocks, hospitals and health care facilities.

As a result, the people of Aleppo have no more access to water, the wounded die from lack of care, and food is becoming scarce.

No aid at all is getting in at the moment.

Nothing can justify these unacceptable tactics and the targeting of civilians, which are a clear affront to humanity.

The European Union, as the leading donor in the international response to the Syria crisis, has been constantly working with humanitarian partners like the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross and international NGOs, to prepare stocks and vital items for Aleppo, including life-saving essentials like food, medical supplies and water.

These emergency materials are ready to be delivered through all possible means.

Our humanitarian partners are ready to help people and save lives.

What is needed now is unconditional humanitarian access, in line with basic humanitarian standards. The safety of humanitarian actors must be guaranteed.

The international community cannot tolerate the targeting of humanitarian aid convoys, such as the direct attack which we strongly condemned last week.

I call on all parties to the conflict to ensure safe access and aid deliveries in Aleppo and to allow the immediate evacuation of the sick and wounded, which should also be the case across the country.



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