European Union - Tunisia: enhanced partnership and more EU support for Tunisia's democratic transition

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 29 september 2016.

The European Union today adopted the Joint Communication "Strengthened EU i support for Tunisia",reaffirming the European Union's commitment to Tunisia's democratic transition. The Joint Communication sets out a number of measures that the EU could take collectively to enhance its support for Tunisia's efforts to address the critical challenges that the country is facing and promote long-term stability, resilience, good governance, socio-economic development, and security in the country. This comes in addition to a planned financial envelope of up to €300 million for 2017, which would be a substantial increase in EU assistance to Tunisia of the past two years, notably in the areas of financial support, macro financial assistance, but also in the fields of cooperation, trade, education, research, counter-terrorism and industry.

Federica Mogherini i, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the European Commission said: "Tunisia is confronted by many challenges in what is a challenging region. As the European Union, we are, and we have always been, at the side of the Tunisian people, and of young people most of all, determined to strengthen their democracy and the economic growth of the country. Three years ago, through our Privileged Partnership, we committed to strengthen the fundamental values and aspirations which form the basis of our relationship. Today, in the critical phase the entire region is currently going through, the European Union needs to respond even better to Tunisia's transition. We are doing this with our Joint Communication that includes very concrete actions that will better accompany Tunisians and Tunisia in the implementation of the reforms they have set themselves. Today, investing in the present and future of Tunisia and of Tunisians, we are investing in our own present and future."

Johannes Hahn i, Commissioner for the European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations said: "We cannot turn a blind eye to the plea of Tunisia's young people. They took to the streets in 2011, not only to seek democratic rights and freedoms, but also to demand a better future with concrete perspectives. While the Revolution is delivering in terms of civil rights, the new democratic Tunisia now needs to transform its economy and social structures. The EU is offering expertise and a wide range of incentives to dynamise the economy and create opportunities for a young population which is among the highest educated but most under-employed".

Tunisia's young democracy faces many challenges which prevent most Tunisians from fully reaping the benefits of their recently acquired rights and freedoms. These challenges, both economic and security-related, are jeopardising the viability of the transition process. In this context, the European Union is willing to do more to help Tunisia meet the aspirations of its citizens.

The European Union's new support strategy for Tunisia proposes to assist Tunisia in its ambitious reform objectives with respect to consolidating democracy. This includes working with Tunisia's vibrant civil society, promoting good governance through the modernisation of the Tunisian public administration, supporting security sector reform, reinforcing essential public services and fighting against corruption. The Communication further aims at intensifying the EU's cooperation with Tunisia on migration, focussing on legal ways of migration through the Mobility Partnership.

Finally, the EU intends to improve the business climate in Tunisia, notably by finalising negotiations on a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, by 2019. This will include cutting red tape which hinders investment and the promotion of small and medium-sized businesses.

To achieve these objectives, the European Union will deploy a whole range of financial support and policy measures. Following the adoption of this proposal, the Joint Communication will be presented to the Council and to the European Parliament.


Priorities for reinforced EU support

The Communication aims to respond directly to the main axes of the Tunisian five-year Development Plan. While continuing to support the democratic reform process, it focusses on effective and decisive EU action on the following priority areas: investing in youth; promoting socio-economic development; reducing social disparities (including regional imbalances); supporting Tunisian civil society; promoting public administration reform; better managing migration and mobility; fighting corruption, and addressing security issues. Special emphasis is given to measures supporting young people.

Proposed actions

In addition to an increase in financial support for Tunisia with a financial envelope of €300 million and the commitment to aim for a similar financial effort thereafter, additional support is expected to be leveraged from the European financial institutions, which could mobilise approximately €800 million a year until 2020. The EU will support Tunisia's infrastructure plan and private sector development measures by mobilising additional resources from the Neighbourhood Investment Platform. These financial measures will be supported by tailor-made trade measures that aim to help Tunisia's economic take-off. Exceptional measures are also envisaged to respond to the critical situation Tunisia is facing.

For more information

Joint Communication to the European Parliament and the Council: Strengthening EU support for Tunisia

Q&A: Supporting Tunisia’s transition: a strategic priority for the EU

Factsheet: Relations between the European Union and Tunisia

European Union Delegation to Tunisia

EU cooperation with Tunisia



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